
April, 1946
Founder, Hiroshi Kobayashi, establishes Kobayashi Shoten, selling parts for truck bodies.
December, 1949Kobayashi Shoten is incorporated.
January, 1956Starts selling car accessories and sales go nationwide.
March, 1967Product Control Centre is completed and warehousing is moved to a plot next to Head Office.
March, 1970Leads the industry by introducing computerization.
October, 1971New warehouses opened in Shimo-Fukushima (currently the Body Division). Distribution service improved by separating body parts and car accessories.
October, 1972Company name changed to Nihon Body Parts Kogyo Co., Ltd.
May, 1973New headquarters built (Kobayashi Building).
April, 1977Tokyo branch established to bolster sales efforts in eastern Japan.
January, 1983Nagoya sales office established to bolster sales of car accessories.
April, 1987Kita Kanto branch established to bolster sales efforts in northern Japan.
May, 1990Nishi Nihon branch established in Kyushu to bolster sales efforts in western Japan and lay the foundations for further growth in the 21st century.
September, 1993Distribution centre at Kita Kanto branch enlarged to further bolster sales efforts in northern Japan.
September, 1998Tokyo branch offices and warehouses modernized through rebuilding and expansion.
June, 2000Hokkaido branch established to bolster sales efforts in Hokkaido. Kitami sales office opened.
February, 2003Head Office Body Division moved to Kobe Research Park in Kobe to bolster sales efforts in the Head Office area
August, 2006ISO 9001certification was obtained (Head Office Body Division )
August, 2008ISO 9001 certification was obtained (Head Office Osaka) and Nishi Nihon branch)
August, 2009ISO 9001 certification was obtained (All Other Branches )
May, 2012Cyubu branch established to bolster sales efforts in Tokai Region Japan, merged a subsidiary "Cyubu Body Parts Co.Ltd".
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